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What is Spiritual Coaching?

What is spiritual coaching?

Spiritual coaching is ideal for anyone waking up to their spiritual journey, or those struggling with their spiritual path and don’t know which way to turn. It assists you in finding practical ways of understanding spiritual philosophy, the purpose of your life, the chakras, meditation, and your connection to within; and gives you practical tools to incorporate these spiritual aspects into your daily life.

Some clients may seek spiritual coaching as part of their personal contemplation - looking back on life and its meaning; some may wish to explore the philosophy of spirituality and connect with like-minded people.

Often, clients are drawn to the idea that there must be “more to life”, a feeling that something is “missing”, and a need to make sense of this.

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The benefits of spiritual coaching –

  • It helps you open your heart and mind, enabling you to explore different spiritual aspects to give you the best results.

  •  It assists you in opening your eyes, and mind, to new opportunities.

  • It enables you to explore and learn theories of spirituality, and to discover who you are through that whole process.

  • intelligence, awareness, and a refreshed perception.     

  • It enables you to embrace an awakened state through patience, unconditional love, compassion, inner peace and serenity,

What elements of spirituality are included in the package?  

I’ll work with you, tailoring sessions to meet your personal requirements, exploring and reflecting upon:
Spiritual Philosophy –

  • What is the origin of life?

  • Why are you here and what’s your purpose?

  • What’s the meaning of life and what’s reality?

  • What’s the value of life?

  • What’s the significance of it and what’s your reason for living?

  • How would you define happiness?

  • How would you deal with anxiousness in relation to death and the afterlife?

The Health and Well-being of the Chakras -

How you can use these to improve physical health, as well as to progress towards spiritual connection.
Connecting Within -

  • Spiritual freedom – looking at your life, becoming aware of your thoughts, feelings, life experiences, fluctuating emotions, and yourself as a whole.

  • Learning to take a non-judgemental approach to negative feelings and change.

  • Preparing you to reconnect with your inner self.

  • Reconnecting with your inner joy and the essence of who you really are.

Meditation -

  • Learning different meditation styles and how to incorporate meditation into your daily life.

  • Raising your higher consciousness and connecting with your inner self.

  • Opening your heart.

  • Connecting with your spirit guides.

  • Cutting karmic cords.

  • Mindful breathing exercises.

Incorporating Spirituality into Your Physical Life –

  • Using the tools of meditation.

  • Expanding your mind - for example, reading spiritual books, being in nature.

  • Understanding how the universe plays a significant role in your spiritual development.

The Power of Gratitude –

  • understanding gratitude and being aware of your thoughts and feelings in any moment.

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